“Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.”
-Chinese Proverb
We are building a better tomorrow for our community.
By building the means to grow your own food, we empower individuals and communities to take the initiative to grow their own food, thus creating their own food supply and ultimately transforming their eating habits. By renovating a vacant lot into a community garden, you’re not only utilizing an abandoned piece of land, but creating a sanctuary to bring communities together.
There are three primary building options:

Communities & Community Gardens
We partner with community, neighborhood, and civic groups to organize, establish, and maintain community gardens to provide fresh food for underserved areas while simultaneously educating residents.

Garden Structures
We design and construct a variety of gardening structures including raised gardening beds to help to bring the joy and beauty of gardening to more people.

High Tunnels
We plan, design, and construct affordable high tunnels to provide season-extending protection and weatherproof structures for your plants.
Interested in your own sustainable garden?
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311 Bowman St.
Mansfield, OH 44903